domingo, 15 de enero de 2017




Christmas is one of the most important songs of Christianity, together with the Easter of Resurrection and Pentecostes. This solemnity, commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ in Belèn, is celebrated on December 25 in the Catholic Church, the Anglican Church, some Protestant communities and most Orthodox Churches. Instead, it is celebrated on January 7 in other Orthodox Churches such as the Russian Orthodox Church or the Orthodox Church of Jerusalem, that did not accept the reform made to the Julian calendar to happen to the calendar known like Gregorian, name derived from its reformer, the pope Gregory XIII. December 25 is a holiday in many countries celebrated by millions of people around the world and also by a large number of non-Christians. There are several theories about how Christmas was celebrated on December 25, which date back to various ways of investigating, according to some known facts.

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